Rheumatism is a disease of the joints that are painful and often we find this disease either the old or the young. The disease is mostly found in the joints and tissues around the joints and cause pain that is so sick.
For those who experience these symptoms even at a more severe, arthritis can cause permanent disability symptoms. Many developing myth and assumption that the disease is a mild illness.
Experts explained that the disease in rheumatic disease is caused by several factors:
- Bath night, is so far no facts about the shower that night will be affected by the symptoms of arthritis, when examined more deeply in a cold shower or amndi evening is at risk for symptoms of arthritis.
- Arthritis caused by uric acid, the effect of uric acid blood levels are too high and form deposits of monosodium urate.
- Rheumatism bone disease, Osteoarthritis commonly affects the large joints such as the knee joint, pelvis, spine, back and neck even though it was likely to attack other areas. While rheumatoid artiritis because the immune system attacks the synovial membrane lining the joint or involving all organs of the body, can cause disability.
- Rheumatism is only for the elderly, in fact, rheumatism attacking everyone, young and old men and women depending on the type of rheumatism, therefore always keep the health and food.
- Bone pain symptoms of arthritis, most commonly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are stiffness and inflammation in the joints (red, swollen, painful, hot and generally difficult to move).
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